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Emergency response

Emergency response

We provide timely, effective and need-based assistance to people who have had to leave their homes or have been otherwise affected by armed conflicts or natural disasters.

Food distribution in Ukraine


Multi-purpose cash assistance

Estonian Refugee Council has launched a multi-purpose cash assistance programme to support Ukrainians affected by the war, with which people can buy food, medicine, hygiene supplies and other basic necessities.

Food assistance

From April to the beginning of August 2023, we have provided food aid to over 24,000 people in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions. The programme is supported by Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund (UHF) (OCHA) and implemented together with local partnering NGOs: RescueNow, GoodWill and NGO Yes.

Countries where this programme currently take place:

Estonian Refugee Council started providing international humanitarian assistance in 2014. The aim of the programme is to provide timely, effective and need-based assistance to people who have had to leave their homes or have been otherwise affected by armed conflicts or natural disasters.

Whenever there is war or conflict, there are people who suffer or are forced to flee. We believe that everyone has the right to receive aid if they need it, and we work to make sure that Estonian humanitarian aid would reach people in need. As a small organization we are not able to be everywhere but then we can be flexible and effective in our interventions.

At the moment, Estonian Refugee Council is active in Ukraine, Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya and Georgia. Previously, ERC has also been active in Turkey.

Supporting projects

Building up the capacity to respond to humanitarian crises needs a lot of work. For that effect, we also carry out capacity building projects and activities:

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