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Make a donation

Being a refugee is not a free choice. 
It's a forced situation. Alone in a foreign country, without support and help, starting to build up your life again is a difficult task.
Donate to a specific cause

To make donation gathering clear and transparent, and to provide supporters with the possibility to donate to a specific cause, we have established donation funds:

General support fund
For Ukraine!

Donate by calling 

You can make a donation to support our response in Ukraine by calling. 

900 3801 – 5€

900 3802 – 10€

900 3803 – 50€



Every donation helps us to reach more beneficiaries and increase our societal impact. Thank you for your support!
Monthly donations have greater effect!
Please choose an amount.
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Please choose an amount.
Choose one of the funds below:
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Estonian Refugee Council works to help refugees who have arrived to Estonia to start their new lives as quickly as possible, and to provide support also to people forced to flee their homes outside of the Estonian borders.
You can help refugees as well!
 One possibility is to help refugees through our organization by making a donation, either one-time or recurring.
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